CLOSED-Request for Proposals - Hearings Examiner
Post date: Nov 27, 2014 1:01:04 AM
The Vader City Council seeks Request for Proposals from individuals and firms interested in serving as the City of Vader Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner will have a contract for 2 years and will conduct hearings on and adjudicate quasi-judicial cases involving a variety of complex land use and regulatory compliance issues, as well as other issues which the city council may delegate. Hearings will be scheduled on a case by case basis and may be held during daytime and evenings. Interested parties can review the full Request for Proposals and proposal requirements by visiting the Vader website: or by contacting Jill Nielson, Vader City Clerk by email:, telephone: 360-295-3222. All proposals must be received at Vader City Hall no later than December 17th, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.