CLOSED-Request for Proposals - City Planner
Post date: Nov 27, 2014 1:18:57 AM
The Vader City Council seeks Request for Proposals from individuals and firms interested in serving as the City of Vader Planner. The Planner will have a contract for 2 years and will provide on-call planning and permitting services relating to building, developmental, environmental and archaeological matters. The Planner will be the head of the City’s Planning Department and will assist the Planning Committee, City Council and City administration in all aspects relating to both planning and building permitting. Interested parties can review the full Request for Proposals and proposal requirements by visiting the Vader website: or by contacting Jill Nielson, Vader City Clerk by email:, telephone: 360-295-3222. All proposals must be received at Vader City Hall no later than December 17th, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.