Notice of Road Closure July 2018
Post date: Jun 28, 2018 11:42:07 PM
Location: "A" Street between 6th Street and 7th Street, Vader Washington
Beginning the week of July 2nd, 2018 the A Street Improvement project construction will require unanticipated temporary road closures on A Street between 6th and 7th Streets. These road closures were not in the original plans for the project, however, unexpected conditions in the sub-grade (layers under the existing pavement) of the roadway have been discovered which will require intermittent and temporary road closures in order to properly complete the project.
The road closures will affect drive up access to the front of the Post Office building and other businesses and residences along the affected route. The Post Office will still be accessible to vehicles by the alley behind (to the West) the building, as well as to pedestrian traffic.
There will be two types of closures to A Street. The first closures will be temporary, meaning that the roadway will close only during working hours (7am thru 5pm) and will be reopened throughout the evening and early morning. These temporary closures will be intermittent over a period of a week or so in early July.
The second type of closure will also be temporary but will be 24 hours at a time and is expected to last for a period of 3-4 days in a row. The exact dates for this temporary closure have yet to be determined but are anticipated to be around the middle of July. An additional notice will be published when the exact dates are determined.
This notice is intended to meet the requirements for road closure notices as stated in the Revised Code of Washington 47.48.020.
For more information, contact the City of Vader at 360-295-3222.