Welcome to the City of Vader

City Council Meeting
First & Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025

Click HERE  to view AGENDA
Planning Committee Meeting
2nd  Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Click HERE to view AGENDA
Parks Board Meeting

 4th  Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Click HERE to view AGENDA

Physical copies of agendas and packets are available upon request. Please notify city hall during our regular business hours if you would like to request a physical copy prior to any meeting.

Copies are 15 cents/page for public disclosure requests

Local Resources & Services

Vader City Hall                                                                             360-295-3222
Lewis County Sheriff Non-Emergency                          360-740-1105
Cowlitz/Lewis Fire District #20                                        360-295-0906
Vader Post Office                                                                      360-295-3510


Lewis County PUD (Electric)                                               800-562-5612
Water Utilities                                                                             360-740-1371
Sewer Utilities                                                                              360-295-3222
Trash Provider - LeMay Inc.                                                  360-736-4769
Click here to create an account with LeMay or pay your  service bill  

Little Falls Cemetery - 360-295-3951 (No calls after 6 PM please!)

Vader City Hall has new business hours starting January 2025

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9am-3pm

Wednesday 9am-6pm

Closed everyday for lunch from 12pm-1pm

Remote Meeting Access Instructions

Please join meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone using the link below. 

You can also dial in using any phone.
+1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 502-972-813

New to GoToMeeting.com?
Get the app now and be ready for the next meeting. Click the link below.

Missed a meeting?
Vader City Council Meeting Recordings on YouTube

Missed a meeting? Vader City Council Meeting Recordings youtube.com/vaderwa


Payments and fees can be paid over the phone (360-295-3222) OR by clicking the link below to pay online.
Fees Apply.
Debit/Credit Cards for a 2.5% fee
E-Check for only $1.75 charge


Donations can be made to
"Annual 4th of July Fireworks!"

Get emergency alerts phone calls, text messages, or email by signing up! This includes announcements related to the Vader Water System, flood warnings, burn restrictions and more. LINK

Emergency Preparedness

Do you and your family know what to do if a disaster happens in your community?
Click here to find out how you can keep your family safe and connected during an emergency event.
Additional emergency preparedness information is available for free at Vader City Hall.
Stop by Mon-Thurs from 9am-Noon and 1-3pm to browse the available information.  

Lewis County Division of Emergency Services  351 NW. North Street, Chehalis, WA 98532

Phone: (360) 740-1151    DEM@lewiscountywa.gov  Follow us on Twitter @LCDEM

Don’t drive through flood covered roads.  Obey road signs/barricades.
Citizens can monitor river forecasts on the Emergency Management page on the County website at:   https://lewiscountywa.gov/emergency-management/emergency-preparedness
then click on the “River Readings” link on  the left of the screen.

The National Weather Service has a link to 53 different ways to receive forecasts and warnings at: www.weather.gov/subscribe

Lewis County Emergency Management for preparedness materials available for citizens.  Call (360) 740-1151.

Substance Abuse Resources